Tuesday, August 5, 2008

... finding that place...

After a GREAT week in Montana, Wyoming and Colorado... we finally arrived in Texas.
It's really HOT and the a/c on the bus is not working so we're being creative: lots of water, more breaks, we're wearing as little as possible and we're jumping in fountains wherever we can ;-)

Last week, for 2 days, we didn't have our bus. It was in need of some repairs. We asked the Lord to provide transportation for our next two destinations and sure enough He did.
The churches kindly helped us out driving us there. Such a big blessing!!!

Back to now...
We just had great and encouraging night. The room was filled with young people eager to worship... they were inspired and challenged to live a life sold out for Christ!
We're so humbled to be able to do this every night and witness the impact that a worship gathering like ours makes in peoples lives.
God's using us to make a difference no doubt about that.

We're becoming more and more like a family and the thought of leaving eachtoher in just a few weeks seems like a big mistake... but we know that God will continue to use us in our communities, churches and schools.

We've been talking about recording a CD before the end of the tour since every single night we get the same question: "do you have a cd of your band?"
If anyone out there is willing to help us out we'd love to hear from you.

It's pretty late now but we want to share one final thought with you.

"I will be STILL and KNOW that you are GOD"... the more we sing these words the more we realize how powerful they are.
We want to leave you tonight with the challenge of finding that place this week where you can be STILL and KNOW that He is God!

Good Night everybody,
the Worship Band

Monday, July 28, 2008

just arrived in Coeur d'Alene

Hey folks back home! We just arrived in Idaho this morning and have a few hours to kill before we're on. This is Adam, the drummer... hi parents.
Things have been pretty exciting lately... Our "fabulous" bus popped a tire and started a fire off the highway! Haha that rymes, fire and tire. Luckily the cop that pulled us over escorted us to an auto shop instead of giving Rick a ticket. Don't worry everything else has been running smoothly. Not any big trouble on the road really, no injuries or anything too serious but please keep Nina and the rest of the vocalists in y'alls prayers. Her throat is bothering her :(
The "gatherings" as we call them have been going great. People really seem to connect with the music and actually start to worship. Ok well maybe I'll get to blog again soon... bye for now!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


We just completed our first week on the road...

After 10 intense days of rehearsals we are finally on the road. It's exciting, challenging, humbling, but sooooo perfect. We wouldn't want to be anywhere else!
God's doing things in us and through us that we wouldn't wanna trade for anything in the world.
We're right where we need to be!!!
We started in L.A. and arrived yesterday in San Francisco...
God gave us some great ministry opportunities. We shared our music in large and small churches, coffee shops and restaurants, small and big cities.
As we challenge the church to give everything to God and allow Him to do His work in their lives we are reminded ourselves that there is NO better life than the one lived for Him.

Our audiences have been fantastic, our hosts are so gracious and caring... we're definitely not out here on our own but there is an army working with us... and it feels good. It's the Continental Worship Band working with many brothers and sisters from all over, just like it should be!

Photo break at rehearsal camp

Our first worship gathering

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

12 ordinary people...

At 5pm on tuesday I went to LAX to pick up Matt Shannon from Canada, the first member of the Worship Band to arrive.
It's real, this is going to happen - we really are coming together on saturday July 5th as the 'Worship Band' and God has really chosen us 12 (oh look... 12!) to make a difference.
12 ordinary people, with different stories, backgrounds and talents are about to embark in a remarkable adventure designed by God specifically for them, for this moment in time.
Krista Stebbing, Nina Voli, Cortney Rickett, Steven McArthur, Austin Scott, Anthony Antenucci, Matt Shannon, Nathan Hailey, Matt Roberts, Adam Richards, Shaye Clubb and myself are the West Coast Worship Band of the Continental Singers Ministries.

Journey with us as we travel around the U.S., discover what God has planned and learn a little more about who He is!

Matt's already in bed, I should get some sleep too!

Marco Gandolfo, Worship Band Director

Thursday, June 26, 2008

2008 California Worship Band

Stay "tuned" here for regular updates from our 2008 California Worship Band... and please keep them in your prayers!